overweight, sarcopenic obesity, vitamin D deficiency, ERAS protocol.Abstract
The article is devoted to the issues of the possibility of implementing the ERAS program in overweight patients in whom sarcopenic obesity was determined with corresponding changes in the functional state. Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of treatment of surgical patients with overweight by developing methods for the prevention of postoperative complications during anesthesia and intensive therapy in the perioperative period. Methods: the appointment in addition to the complex of perioperative intensive therapy of substances, the deficiency of which has arisen due to changes in the body of patients caused by the presence of excess body weight for more than 10 years. Results. It is important for the implementation of the ERAS protocol in overweight patients with primary ventral hernias to maximize recovery after surgery for indicators such as activity, consciousness, respiration, blood circulation, and blood oxygen saturation. Deficiency of vitamin D in overweight patients indicates the presence of obesity, despite the BMI in the range of 25.0-29.9 and is due to its accumulation in adipose tissue. In such patients, fat accumulation occurs along with sarcopenia, and, as a consequence, with a decrease in activity. The additional introduction of colecalciferol and a solution of D-fructose-1,6-diphosphate sodium hydrate salt into the intensive care protocol in overweight patients who needed operative intervention for primary ventral hernia made it possible to implement the ERAS protocol in 100% of them.
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