
  • O.S. Suslov International Humanitarian University



LPTEG, hemostasis, endometriosis, gynecology, thrombosis


The article deals with a clinical case of iliac vein thrombosis as a complication of extrapelvic endometriosis in a young woman. The endometrial mass had a subfascial position at the level of the external oblique muscle and spread to the iliac vein. This article also reviews the literature on striated endometriosis and cases of deep vein thrombosis due to this disease. The diagnostic role of ultrasound in obtaining a final diagnosis prior to histological confirmation may be more significant when using methods of elasticity imaging and ultrasound-guided biopsy.


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How to Cite

Suslov О. (2024). THROMBOSIS OF ILLUMINAL VESSELS – A RARE COMPLICATION OF ENDOMETRIOS: A CLINICAL CASE AND LITERATURE REVIEW. Clinical Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, (2), 12–19.