hysterectomy, epidural analgesia, pain, analgesiaAbstract
Introduction. Many pathological conditions lead to the fact that women need a total abdominal hysterectomy. Therefore, improving the quality of the periand postoperative period in such patients is quite important for the positive effect of the treatment. Purpose – to study the effect of epidural analgesia with standard doses of local anesthetics on the quality of the peri- and postoperative period in women undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy. Materials and methods. The results of surgical treatment of 54 women who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy were studied. Patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on the type of anesthesia. The quality of the peri- and postoperative period was assessed by objective (changes in laboratory parameters, doses of anesthetics and analgesics) and subjective (VAS) indicators. The results. Comparing the groups, the following results were obtained: Leukocytes after surgery [16.79±0.93] for 1st group versus [13.65±0.62] for the second group, which is statistically significantly less in the 2nd group p=0.006; on the next day [12.79±0.66]; [11.0±0.44] statistically significantly less in the 2nd group p=0.026; after 3 days [9.75±0.46]; [8.59±0.26], p=0.035 – also a significant decrease. The dose of narcotic analgesic according to the Mann-Whitney test does not statistically differ in the two groups (p=0.135), while the dose of inhalation anesthetic is smaller in group 2 (p=0.009). VAS after awakening [3.9±0.2]; [1.4±0.3] smaller in group 2 p=0.0001; after 3 hours [4.0±0.2]; [2.9±0.3] smaller in group 2 p=0.01; after 6 hours [3.6±0.2]; [3.0±0.2] smaller in group 2 p=0.039; after 9 hours [3.3±0.1]; [2.6±0.2] smaller in group 2 p=0.001; after 12 hours [2.8±0.1]; [2.4±0.1] is smaller in the 2nd group p=0.049. Conclusion. The inclusion of epidural anesthesia as a component of combined anesthesia with inhalation in total abdominal hysterectomy allows to reduce the dose of sevoflurane during anesthesia, and also significantly improves the quality of the postoperative period, especially on the first day. Epidural analgesia promotes accelerated rehabilitation of patients.
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