
  • Ruslan Baltaga
  • Oleg Arnaut
  • Serghei Sandru
  • Serghei Cobâlețchi
  • Elena Grosu
  • Gheorghe Rojnoveanu



ultrasound navigation during regional anesthesia, paresthesia, patient safety.


This article introduces the reader to the results of a pilot project in rep. Moldova regarding the comparison of techniques for inducing paresthesia and ultrasound navigation when performing regional blockades in patients with limb injuries. The article will be interesting to read for practicing anesthetists, traumatologists, surgeons, as well as interns.


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How to Cite

Baltaga, R., Arnaut, O., Sandru, S., Cobâlețchi, S., Grosu, E., & Rojnoveanu, G. (2022). SAFETY OF REGIONAL ANESTHESIA: PARESTHESIA TECHNIQUE VERSUS ULTRASOUND-GUIDED ANESTHESIA IN PATIENTS WITH LIMB TRAUMA. A PILOT STUDY. Clinical Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, (1), 12–24.