
  • O.A. Halushko
  • T.M. Silina
  • T.A. Tytova
  • O.I. Pohorila
  • N.G. Kuharska




perioperative period, complications, hypophosphatemia, clinical physiology, diagnosis, correction


Hypophosphatemia (HPE) is one of the frequent electrolyte disorders, for the development of which there are many reasons in the perioperative period. The Medline database was analyzed to identify articles containing hypophosphatemia as one of the keywords in the last 20 years. Clinical and experimental studies, reviews, and clinical case reports were included in the search, provided they had an English-language abstract. This search has received 1684 publications. Based on the studied articles, information on the clinical physiology of phosphates, the effect of HPE on the course of the perioperative period was summarized. The authors present their own experience of diagnosing and treating HPE. In total, determination of phosphate levels was carried out in 328 patients who underwent surgery in operating rooms of various surgical profiles. The highest frequency of HPE was observed in burn patients (23.08%), after neurosurgical (17.94%) and abdominal (17.64%) surgical interventions. It has been established that the correction of severe HPE is expedient to be carried out by intravenous administration of sodium D-fructose-1.6-diphosphate. After the intravenous correction, the level of phosphatemia stabilized to reference values, which coincided with the clinical improvement of the patients’ condition.


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How to Cite

Halushko О., Silina Т., Tytova Т., Pohorila О., & Kuharska Н. (2024). HYPOPHOSPHATEMIA AS A COMPLICATION OF THE PERIOPERATIVE PERIOD: CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY, DIAGNOSIS AND CORRECTION. Clinical Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, (1), 33–43. https://doi.org/10.32782/2411-9164.19.1-4