
  • O. Tarabrin
  • V. Demkin
  • S. Melnichuk
  • V. Udut
  • I. Tyutrin
  • O. Demkin
  • P. Tarabrin
  • D. Volodychev



rheology, non-Newtonian fluid, whole blood coagulation, numerical simulation, blood viscosity dynamics.


The article describes the physical basis of the low-frequency parameter of piezotromboelastography for studying the viscous properties of blood and its use for the diagnosis of hemostatic potential. A mathematical model of ultrasonic vibrations in a viscous fluid has been developed. The ARP-01M “Mednord” piezotromboelastograph was used to conduct experiments on the modem of the piezoelectric sensor and its applicability in measuring the dynamics of the viscous properties of whole blood. It is shown that a piezoelectric sensor provides optimal operation modes when a resonator needle is configured in the form of a straight rod with a loop. The maximum sensitivity in measuring the amplitude-frequency characteristics of a signal on a registered piezoelectric element is observed at 2950 kHz. A numerical experiment was conducted to study the effect of a viscous state on the change in the amplitude-frequency characteristics of oscillations of the needleresonator of a piezoelectric transducer, taking into account the force of viscous friction. As an example, the viscous properties of water and glycerin are used. The calculations were carried out for the two specified limiting cases of viscous force, which include the interval of change in the strength of the viscosity of whole blood in the coagulation process. It is shown that the method has sufficient sensitivity and, therefore, accuracy, to changes in blood viscosity and the dynamics of their changes during coagulation.


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How to Cite

Tarabrin О., Demkin В., Melnichuk С., Udut В., Tyutrin І., Demkin О., Tarabrin П., & Volodychev Д. (2022). STUDY OF THE RELOGIOUS PROPERTIES OF TOTAL BLOOD, FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METHOD OF THE LOWFREQUENCY PIEZOELECTRIC THROMBOELAASTOGRAPHY (LPTEG). Clinical Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, (1), 32–45.