
  • V.O. Lefterov
  • V.V. Hutsol
  • Ye.L. Lefterova



medical simulation tools, simulation training, psychological training, emotional burnout syndrome, doctors, psychocorrection, prevention


The article contains a theoretical and applicable problem analysis of emotional burnout of doctors, as well as the implementation and usage of medical simulation tools and psychological training features in the process of medical specialists’ training. The purpose of the research is to study the possibilities of simulation and the psychotraining methods in psychocorrection and prevention of the emotional burnout syndrome among doctors. Research methods. Three groups of general practitioners and pediatrics doctors, a total of 44 people, took part in the empirical study. They underwent the advanced training in the form of simulation lasting from 5 to 10 days. During the participation in simulation training programs the psychological training “Candle” was implemented with doctors. It has included a set of exercises and psychotechniques for consolidating the results of simulation training, as well as psychocorrection and prevention of emotional burnout of doctors. As psychodiagnostic methods, the “Diagnostics of professional burnout” method (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adapted by N. Vodopyanova) and the “Methodology of self-assessment of the functional state of WAM: well-being, activity and mood” (V. Doskin, etc.). The results. It was established that after the mentioned trainings, the indicators of the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization among doctors decrease, and their well-being and mood improve. It is recommended to embed the various psychological trainings and other procedures of psychological support and consultation in the system of simulation training of doctors.


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How to Cite

Lefterov В., Hutsol В., & Lefterova Є. (2024). PREVENTION OF PHYSICIAN BURNOUT THROUGH SIMULATION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING. Clinical Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, (1), 61–68.